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Hannah Jacobs Biography and Her Dairy Allergy

Hannah Jacobs Biography and Her Dairy Allergy

Hannah Jacobs, born in 2010, was a 13-year-old girl from Barking, East London, who had a severe dairy allergy. Along with dairy, Hannah was also intolerant to fish and eggs from a young age. On February 8, 2023, a tragic event occurred that led to her untimely death.

On that day, Hannah mother ordered a hot chocolate from Costa Coffee before their scheduled dentist appointment. Despite informing the barista about Hannah dairy allergy, the drink was mistakenly prepared with dairy milk instead of soya milk as requested. Hannah discovered the mistake after taking a sip and immediately alerted her mother.

Recognizing the severity of the situation, Hannah mother rushed her to a nearby pharmacy. There, pharmacy staff administered an EpiPen, a device used to treat severe allergic reactions. Despite the quick response and the arrival of an ambulance, Hannah condition deteriorated rapidly. Medical staff made several attempts to resuscitate her, but they were unsuccessful. Hannah was pronounced dead at 1 p.m. on that day.

An inquest into Hannah death is scheduled to begin at the East London coroner’s court. The inquest will examine the circumstances surrounding her death and will hear from 11 witnesses and other experts.

Hannah family is heartbroken by their loss. They have released a poignant photograph of Hannah, taken on her 13th birthday, where she is seen smiling while holding birthday balloons and wearing a sash.

This tragic incident underscores the importance of proper food preparation and communication regarding food allergies. Anaphylactic reactions, such as the one Hannah experienced, are rare but can be life-threatening, affecting approximately one in 1,000 people, with peanut allergies being a common cause.


1. What caused Hannah Jacobs death?

   - Hannah Jacobs died from a severe allergic reaction, suspected to be anaphylaxis, after consuming hot chocolate with dairy milk.

2. How old was Hannah Jacobs when she passed away?

   - Hannah Jacobs was 13 years old.

3. Where did the incident involving Hannah Jacobs occur?

   - The incident took place in Barking, East London.

4. What was Hannah Jacobs' known allergy?

   - Hannah had a severe allergy to dairy, as well as intolerances to fish and eggs.

5. Did Hannah's mother inform the barista about her daughter's allergy?

   - Yes, Hannah mother informed the barista about Hannah dairy allergy when ordering the hot chocolate.

6. What was the mistake made with the hot chocolate?

   - The hot chocolate was made with dairy milk instead of the requested soya milk.

7. What steps were taken after Hannah reacted to the hot chocolate?

   - After realizing the hot chocolate contained dairy milk, Hannah was taken to a nearby pharmacy where staff administered an EpiPen. An ambulance was then called to transport her to the hospital.

8. What is an EpiPen used for?

   - An EpiPen is used to treat severe allergic reactions by injecting epinephrine to counteract the symptoms of anaphylaxis.

9. When did Hannah Jacobs pass away?

   - Hannah passed away at 1 p.m. on February 8, 2023.

10. What is the purpose of the inquest into Hannah Jacobs' death?

    - The inquest will investigate the circumstances of Hannah’s death, including the events leading up to it, and will hear testimonies from witnesses and experts.

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