Ace Your Exams: JAMB, Mock, and WASSCE Tips | Scholarships, Biography, Studying and Literature Insights 5 Ways To Improve Your Profile For Funded Scholarships Abroad With Low GPA In 2024

5 Ways To Improve Your Profile For Funded Scholarships Abroad With Low GPA In 2024

5 Ways To Improve Your Profile For Funded Scholarships Abroad With Low GPA In 2024

Admission and scholarships favour people with high GPA because it shows they have ability to learn and potentially solve problems.

If you have low GPA, you can boost your chances through these ways:

1) Go extra miles. You can quickly run post graduate diploma online. Open University or distance learning programs can help you. That extra miles says something about your interest in making amends for your undergraduate low performance.

2) Get research experience. Search for professors or companies doing research in your field of study… join them. Even if you’re doing literature review, gathering data, helping in field work. Get an experience and if possible, PUBLISH the work.

3) Build your computing skills and create a portfolio for yourself. Create apps, software solutions, solve spatial problems using the programming skills you have. Evidence like that can help your application.

4) Learn how to communicate effectively. If you can write persuasive essays and SOP, you can convince the selection committee. Your writing skills can make you outshine a 1st class student that didn’t communicate well.

5) Hone and highlight your interpersonal skills. Ability to work in a team, write report, make effective contributions and resourcefulness can make a lot of difference. Professors want someone ghat can add value to their work.

Nobody funds a liability. You need to do something and bring something to the table. No pity.

I wish you good luck.

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