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2024 Know About The Schengen States Before Applying For A Visa Or Study Abroad Opportunities

2024 Know About The Schengen States Before Applying For A Visa Or Study Abroad Opportunities

Many believes that the Schengen countries are now 29 in numbers because of the recent inclusion of Romania and Bulgaria.

But point of Correction, the Schengen countries are still 27 not 29. And yes, Croatia recently joined. However, for Romania and Bulgaria, they are NOT yet part of Schengen please. At least, not fully.

Get informed before you make such comment bro. Croatia joined Schengen 1st quarter of last year after satisfying all the Modalities and other stuff.

However Bulgaria and Romania are at several stages of the Consideration period until November that their inputs and all other Piloting will be reviewed by the EU Parliament to see if they will allowed to or Not. I did a presentation on this subject matter just last week, am studying it as part of my course in School so am much informed on it.

Yes, they joined this April 2024, through sea and air border, only land border still remain closed until all other agreements are duly signed.


What countries are Schengen

Germany, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland -
have all acceded to the Schengen Agreement and are thus Schengen states

The Schengen area thus includes all EU member states except?

Ireland and Cyprus; at present the EU
members Bulgaria and Romania only apply some of the Schengen provisions. Until these three countries apply what is known as the Schengen acquis in full, as is their aim, passport controls will
remain in place at internal borders.

In addition to the EU countries already mentioned, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are also part of the Schengen countries.

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