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Why Working And Studying In USA Is More Better And Convient Than In Canada


Why Working And Studying In USA Is More Better And Convient Than In Canada

By Ogechukwukamma Christine Kalu on Facebook.

After experiencing USA, I NEVER want to permanently reside in Canada.

This is due to personal preference and your opinion matters, while it matters it may also be very different from mine and I want you to know that it’s okay. It’s okay to have varying views about certain things - this topic inclusive.  

Before coming to America, I wanted to so badly relocate to Canada. Canada was my dream country, I loved the idea of it. I had never sat down to research about the country, specific things like work, taxes, housing, etc. I only loved the fact that it opened its doors to us and students could work off campus. Also liked the transitions and pathways it avail students looking at permanently residing in the country. That was it!

It happened that I touched down America before actually experiencing Canada. And I will say these countries are two distinct entities - in almost all aspects. Vaguely, I can describe Canada as a retirement home vibe and America as the youthful country where you can thrive, make that money then go to Canada to retire in peace cause there’s no peace for the wicked in America 

Canada is calm. It gives you this “don’t rush” vibe, enjoy yourself but pay the bills kind of vibe. But America just has a way of making you hustle, making you thrive and push you to want more for yourself. 

Additionally, the fact that you can lose your job and be unable to actually get a good job almost immediately in Canada is a huge drawback for me. While this is a possibility, the chances are very low. The reality of job seekers is nothing compared to the perception people have of Canada. 

More annoying is the pay gap between the both countries, people in America earn higher in terms of wages. And this isn’t even due to the currency difference. I strongly feel that Canadian employers need to do BETTER!!

Now this point may seem bias - or maybe untrue, I feel like the systemic racism in career advancement is implicit in Canada - making it more difficult for people of color to truly really advance in top level positions. This point can be debateable (I may need to hear opinion from people who actually live in Canada) 

After my 19th trip to Canada I knew I only wanted to be a visitor or be citizen and not necessarily live and earn and work there. A Nigerian-Canadian once told me “I want to spend my youth in America hustling and my late 40s in Canada chilling” and I totalling understood him!

Canada seems slow to me, even the fast lane is not fast enough. I want MOOOOORE! I don’t know but this is just my thoughts, the first time I touched down Ontario I was like okay? Where’s the happening place? They said Toronto, then I went there and I was like okay where in Toronto exactly? Cause Wetin be this?

While I am shaking so many tables with this post, I want to mention that Canada has one of the best healthcare system compared to America - now that I have given you your flowers let’s move on to housing. 

Or maybe just stop here because housing deserves its own full post.

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