SO YOU WANT TO BECOME A SCRIPT WRITER? It is often, many times, thought that anyone can become a script writer: this is not true. People who want to become successful script writers need two qualities - a lot of talent, and a great deal of determination. However, on their own, these are not sufficient - you also need luck - or, if you prefer, opportunity.
Opportunities do not come easily. Statistically, it is very unlikely that an unknown script writer will ever will be selected: the fact is that 98% of all new soap operas, TV shows, and movies are done by already known writers in the industry. This means that the producers identify the writers, and ask them to write the scripts to be produced.
Very often, this means that they choose writers they already know can produce the genre. In addition, it is also a fact that 98% of all new script writers manuscripts are rejected: that means that a manuscript sent in to a producer only stands a two per cent chance of being produced.
This is why not only both talent and determination are needed, but as well as marketing. Putting yourself out there for the world to see. You can start with short videos and push them through marketing, by running ads on social medias.
So what advise could I give to would-be script writers? First, write! Even if the story you wrote never gets accepted by any producers, writers improve by practice. Don't only do one genre. Be diversify. There are a number of other important points that would-be script writers should bear in mind. One of the most important is that producers only produce shows that people want, or have, to watch.
Lastly, never give up.